The Facts About Breast Implant Removal


Breast Implant Removal

The choice to have breast implant removal may be your own personal choice or the result of a medical need. Regardless of your reasons, there are many facts that you need to consider before you make a final decision.  You need to be aware of what you can be expect before and after surgery and how you will need to prepare yourself if you do decide to have the procedure.

Reasons why breast implants are removed?

According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, approximately 20,000 breast implant removal surgeries are performed each year in the US.

In a few cases, women who undergo a removal procedure choose to do so simply because the current implants are no longer wanted.  This could be because a woman wants a different size, different or better placement, or just wants to be “natural” again.

More than half of breast implant that are removed are related to one of these problems which include an implant leaking or rupturing, collagen fibers growing around the implant causing pain, or the breast changing shape or size over time. Many of these medical reasons make implant removal a necessity because the implant has become dangerous to your body.

Some other reasons why a women seeks a breast implant removal procedure is:

  • The implant visibly ripped or wrinkled
  • The implant is hardening
  • You are having an allergic reaction to the implant
  • There is an uneven appearance
  • You have persistent pain following the allotted healing time

How are implants safely removed?

It is important to speak with your Las Vegas plastic surgeon Dr. Reynolds before choosing to have this surgery. You should discuss your expectations for the procedure, whether you would like new implants, and any other preoperative procedures that may apply.  There may be a need for blood work and imaging tests as well. Your surgeon will advise if there are any medicines or supplements you need to stop taking leading up to the procedure.

If you decide to undergo a breast implant removal surgery, the procedure is short. Your plastic surgeon will have you in and out within a couple of hours.  In only rare cases, you will have to stay overnight for observation.

Your surgeon will sedate you using intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. Your breast implants will then be removed using a small incision under the crease of the breast. If the breast has ruptured, extra care will be taken to prevent further health concerns.

Once the implants are removed, the skin may loosen. Further procedures may be needed to lift the breast and remove excess tissue if the patient isn’t getting new implants. This can be done at the same time or later depending on the patient’s preferences.

Recovery for a breast implant removal surgery is simple. You will be advised to wear compression bandages or a special bra that will help lessen the swelling. It is wise to avoid heavy lifting and extensive reaching for several weeks after the surgery.

If you find that breast implant removal surgery is an option you’d like to look into, please schedule a consultation with Las Vegas plastic surgeon Dr. Reynolds who has a vast knowledge base to address any questions you may have.

For more information about breast removal and reconstruction in Las Vegas, please contact us at 702.410.9800.

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