Can I Lose Weight From A Tummy Tuck?

Can I Lose Weight From A Tummy Tuck?

Woman after tummy tuckThere are many different reasons to consider undergoing an abdominoplasty, also called a tummy tuck. The primary reason is to look and feel good in your own skin. When the skin around the abdominal region is sagging due to excess fat build up, it can be nearly impossible for anyone to feel comfortable inside or outside of their clothes.

While a tummy tuck is a great way to remove the extra fat and skin from the abdominal area, it is not a sufficient method for trying to lose weight. Typical candidates for an abdominoplasty, like post-pregnancy women, non-smokers and people within 25 pounds of their ideal weight, will want to consider all the facts before deciding to have this operation done.

Breaking Tummy Tuck Myths

The idea that a tummy tuck can help you lose a significant amount of weight is a myth. Even the most expertly performedabdominoplasty only firms and tightens the abdomen to a certain extent. This is because the procedure only helps to shed fat and skin from the stomach region. Since that doesn’t weigh much, it is up to you to maintain your new figure with proper diet and exercise.

Choosing to have a tummy tuck should be the last step in a weight loss regimen, not the first. A tummy tuck helps define existing contours by removing the extra few inches that no work out can eliminate. If you have an excess of skin in this area due to pregnancy, tummy tucks are a great option. But it is important to know that a tummy tuck is not a permanent solution when a lifestyle of diet and exercise are not present afterwards.

Tummy Tucks & Liposuction

There is a common misconception that having a tummy tuck means a liposuction treatment is necessary. This isn’t true. Since the purpose behind undergoing abdominoplasty is to create a sleek and slender, streamlined look, your surgeon may suggest the secondary procedure. The two treatments together have been known to shorten recovery time and can help you avoid the need for drainage.

Surgeons suggest waiting a varying period of time after having surgery, giving birth or significant weight loss before recommending having a tummy tuck. This is to allow your weight to stabilize. Once that time has passed, pursuing a tummy tuck procedure can be a viable option to become even more satisfied with the body you’ve earned through hard work and dedication.

If you are considering undergoing an abdominoplasty procedure or any other Las Vegas plastic surgery, Dr. Reynolds may be the right surgeon for you. He has wide array of expertise will make you feel comfortable in choosing the best procedure for you. To schedule a consultation with the best Dr. Reynolds, contact 702.410.9800.

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