Annoying Cosmetic Problems for Women

Women's annoying cosmetic problems

Women’s Annoying Cosmetic Problems

It’s no secret that women are much stronger when it comes to style but women have their own annoying cosmetic problems as well. It is actually an alarming truth that women have a lot of beauty and health conditions that most men don’t have to worry about. This can include hair care problems as well as skin care or skin health issues. Read on to learn more.


Even women who are very skinny have some cellulite and cells of fat that are dimpled are often very looked down upon. While cellulite may actually vary in severity between different people, as well as being significantly worse in women who are overweight, this is actually an issue that men don’t ever need to worry their minds over. This may in fact be caused be caused by skin and patterns below it, skin thickness, as well as circulation. There was a report done by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery that only 4% of cellulite treatments are employed by men.


Have you ever experienced any problems with dark spots from the sun? If you do, you likely have Melasma. This is a common skin condition that can come about at any time (especially while pregnant) and can also happen on your face, which is very undesirable. Women actually have this problem 90% more often than men, and there is actually no known cure for the problem. Although it cannot go away, spots can be faded with chemical peels and other treatments.

Unwanted hair

All women probably wish their morning routine didn’t have to take so much time, and it wouldn’t if you didn’t have to shave your armpits, or rid your face of unwanted hairs. Men look great with that nice five o’clock shadow on their face, but it has been found that most women don’t typically think their own stubble is attractive. If you’re sick of doing this, try laser hair removal.

Stretch marks

Men are prone to stretch marks, yes. But they do not have to battle this problem nearly as much as women do. There is the obvious reason for pregnancy and breast tissue problems, and a lot of women have significant stretch marks covering their torso. The only upside to this? These stretchmarks can be lightened with laser surgery and corrective creams.

Thinning hair

It is a well-known fact that women do not bald as easily as men. However, men can actually pull it off better! Women will have a significantly less obvious hair loss pattern, but they may not look too great when they pull their hair back. Some women can pull it off but most will feel very downtrodden if they have to reach for the Rogaine.

If you have any questions about these problems, speak with a Board Certified plastic surgeon in Las Vegas. We can help you understand what goes on with your body, and combat problems that may come with being a woman. It’s important to understand how best to keep your body from these problems, and there are a lot of non-invasive procedures that can be employed to do just that. Speak with our professionals today for more information!

If you have further questions, call us at 702.410.9800.


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