Tag Archives: Retinol

Facts About Retinol

The use of retinol on your skinFacts about Retinol

You may not realize it, but you’re actually probably using this ingredient in your skincare regimen every day. This ingredient is called retinol. This is a form of vitamin A, and it comes from a lot of different sources. This may include animal sources, or other places. This nutrient is crucial to make sure that you have a healthy body system. It is also crucial for healthy skin, and bones. This product is also used in beauty products to help fight aging and improve the elasticity in your skin. How much do you know about retinol? Today we have some facts for you.

1. Retinol will actually slow the aging process. This product is very strong product. It will increase the cells in your skin to make sure that they maintain their elasticity. If you use this product, you will find there is a significant upturn the elasticity of your skin.

2. Using retinol prevents the existence of acne. This type of vitamin, vitamin a, will help actually to cut down on the oil that is on your skin. Oil, that is on the skin, will actually cause excess acne. If you remove this problem pop, you on call your pores, and also fight acne. It will clear up your skin faster than you could have imagined.

3. Retinol may irritate sensitive skin. Why is this? This is because there is a lot of different things in retinol that may cause problems. Because it improves elasticity, and remove excess oils, it may irritate your skin. When you start using it, you may notice irritated, red, or dry skin. If this happens, this means that you slowly need to build up your tolerance to it. You may want to try something much gentler at first, so that your skin may get used to this product.

4. Retinol may make you more susceptible to sunburns. Why is this? Because, retinol ask exposes layers of your skinny that were not on the surface before. If you have the surface exposed, it will be much more likely to get a sunburn. That is why, when you use retinol, you need to make sure that you use sunscreen. This is an essential thing to do.

Retinol is a great option to make sure that you use when you want to improve the quality of your skin. Not only will it make you look younger, but it will remove your acne, and will also improve the elasticity of your skin. The most common sign of aging, is wrinkles, and sagging. This is caused by a removal of the elastic in your skin. When you use this retinol cream, you will find the elasticity returns faster than you could have imagined. Start using this today. Speak with our Reynolds plastic surgeons and we will be able to help you on your way to feeling great again.  Our highly trained professionals understand what it takes to remove problems from your skin. If you do this in the proper manner, you will find that you have great results. Don’t hesitate to call us today.