Tag Archives: face-lift

Understanding the Face-lift Procedure

facelift in las vegasA face-lift is the most extensive way to reduce or fully remove the appearance of wrinkles and sagging of the face that may be caused by age. This article will help explain the face-lift procedure and what you should know before you decide to have it done to you.

What is a face-lift?

As mentioned before, a face-lift is a surgical procedure that removes or reduces the appearance of wrinkles on the face. In times past, when the face-lift was first introduced to the cosmetic arena, the skin was literally lifted off the face so skin and tissues beneath it could be tightened, and the skin would subsequently be re positioned smoothly over top of the face. This is still done today.

What happens during the procedure? 

Before undergoing this procedure,  you will be sedated either through an intravenous line or general anesthesia. After this, the surgeon will make an incision that starts in the temple and circles around the top and front of the ear. The skin is raised up, and the muscle and tissue underneath is tightened. The surgeon may find fat and skin that should be removed at this point. Following this, the skin is then redraped over the face and the incision is closed. It typically falls along the hairline or in a place where the skin would normally crease, so the scarring will not show after surgery.

What is to be expected following surgery?

After surgery, your face will be bandaged. These bandages are usually removed after 1 to 2 days. There may have also been a drainage tube placed in your face after surgery and that will be removed at the same time as well.

Your doctor may also prescribe medicines to relieve the pain after surgery. You should expect swelling and bruising of the face. Cold compresses and ice should relieve these side effects. Doctors will also advise to avoid smoking because tobacco smoke increases risk for skin and tissue death and will make scarring even worse.

After 2 to 3 weeks, most people can return to their normal activities.

How well does this procedure work?

Having this procedure can make your face look younger and healthier. There is no escaping aging, but a face-lift is known to “take years off” your face. It may increase your self-confidence and reduce anxiety over growing older. However, it cannot reverse sun damage or remove all facial wrinkles. For best results, you may want to have skin treatment along with a face-lift.

This procedure is a great one to undergo if you feel you need a boost to your confidence and your self-image afterward. As with any cosmetic surgery, this is a medical procedure and you should always consult your doctor before undergoing any surgeries. Be sure your doctor is board-certified, and always make sure you know all the facts before you begin.  If you’re looking for a facelift in Las Vegas contact us today for a consultation.

To learn more about the face-lift procedure, click here.