Training Female Doctors in Developing Countries

SkinCeuticals and ReSurge International making a difference

SkinCeuticals has partnered with ReSurge International to help bridge the gap for the 5 million people worldwide who lack access to safe, timely surgical care. As a non-profit organization, Resurge International provides life-changing surgical care in developing countries by empowering and training local female doctors to become pioneers in reconstructive plastic surgery.

Why does it matter? “When women do better, the world does better. In a study of 100 countries, The World Bank found that every 1% increase in the proportion of women with a secondary education raises a country’s per capita income growth. These gains are even stronger when a society actively welcomes women into the workforce.”…/skinceuticals-female-surgeon…/

We’re excited to see this initiative gain so much momentum and how it’s empowering female surgeons in developing countries to succeed in their careers and pave the way for more women to join their ranks!

To learn more information about Skinceuticals products in Las Vegas, call us at 702.410.9800.

SkinCeuticals at Reynolds Plastic Surgery

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