lip augmentation las vegas

Lip Augmentation Surgery

lip augmentation las vegas

Lip augmentation is a procedure that is used by a lot of people today in Las Vegas in order to get a fuller, plumper look in the lips. It is a relatively safe procedure and can be done with or without surgery. This article will explain more in depth about what to expect when considering lip augmentation.

What is lip augmentation?

To put it simply, lip augmentation is a procedure that will give you fuller, and plumper lips. A common way this is accomplished is through an inject-able filler placed into the lips. These fillers are known as “dermal fillers” and can be injected either directly into the lips, or around the mouth. The most common fillers that are injected are made of substances that are typically found in the body. A previously used agent, Collagen, is used less often today, because there are more dangers associated with it, and the newer compounds have proven more effective, as well as less dangerous.

These types of fillers can improve the following characteristics of the lips:

  • Volume
  • Shape
  • Structure

Unfortunately, these injections do not last forever, but typically for about 6 months. After the effects have worn off, more injections can be done to maintain the look you desire in your lips.

What are the benefits of these injections?

  • The amount can be carefully controlled. Because it is being directly injected into your skin, your doctor can measure carefully how much he places in the area, and thus can control how much lip volume is created.
  • The treatment can be given gradually. These can be given during different appointments, thus allowing the desired results to be achieved and look like a more natural process.
  • Less bruising. Because this is a natural substance found in the body, it is likely that there will be less bruising than with other fillers.

What are the risks?

Common side effects and risks include:

  • Swelling and bruising
  • Bleeding from sites of injections
  • Tenderness and Redness at injection sites

Some other known possible serious side effects may include:

  • Lip asymmetry (parts of your lips are different sizes)
  • Infections
  • Allergic reactions causing itching, swelling, and redness
  • Severe and prolonged bruising

If you experience any of these symptoms or develop a fever, call your doctor immediately to seek attention.

Lip augmentation can be a great procedure that can enhance the appearance of lips, but it may not be right for you. Be sure to consult your doctor before undergoing this procedure. Fortunately, the possible bad side effects will simply go away on their own after a while. Just like the treatment will need to be repeated, this is also true about the side effects. There are not likely any serious complications from this procedure, yet it is still wise to do your research before deciding to undergo it yourself. Be sure to find a doctor in whom you can trust to give you the best care possible, and to make sure you are a good candidate.


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