Category Archives: Carpal Tunnel

Getting Carpal Tunnel

Are you at risk for getting Carpal Tunnel?

Do you do a lot of typing for your job? Are you constantly typing out papers, letters, wills, contracts, etc.? If so, then you are at risk for getting carpal tunnel syndrome. This means that you constantly have pressure or stress on the wrist bones and ligaments. This could result in numbness, tingling, or a shooting pain. If this is the case, then you are going to want to make sure that you get the help that you need. With carpal tunnel, you have many options for treatment and prevention. You can get injections, take medications, wear a wrist brace, or have surgery by a board certified surgeon such as Dr. Reynolds to fix it. With advancements in technology and science, you can have surgery that will be minimally invasive. Dr. Reynolds will make one small incision and then use a camera to see where he is making the cut. You can be back to work within just a few weeks. The staff and doctors at Reynolds Cosmetics have a vast amount of knowledge and they have a goal of making you feel and look your best. They want you to be pain free. If you feel that you are suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome or even if you are looking for other cosmetic procedures, then you need to contact Reynolds Cosmetics today at 702.410.9800 to schedule a consultation.

Home Remedies – Carpal Tunnel Part 4

plastic surgeon in las vegasCarpal Tunnel Home Remedies – Part 4

If you have carpal tunnel syndrome, you may want to see a plastic surgeon in Las Vegas. We have all the proper tips to help you with your carpal tunnel problems, and to get you on your way to having your symptoms decrease, and to help you feel better in no time. However, you may want to try some of these at-home remedies beforehand. Read on to find out more about carpal tunnel symptom remedies you can do at home.

Hand exercises

Perform hand exercises each day to ensure that you do not have any problems. If you use your hand too much, give yourself a break. This will help your hand from having any significant problems that you will not be able to combat with significant surgeries and corrections.

Wrist circles

Place your palms down and circle them around so that you can get rid of any problems that may come from carpal tunnel. If you do this, you will find that you have significantly less problems and you will be much happier with your results.

Thumb stretches

Stretch your thumb by sticking it out and have it feel good so that you can combat any problems that may come into your thumb from these problems. If you do this, you will have much better luck from any problem you may face.

Finger-Thumb squeeze

Squeeze a rubber ball with your hand so that your thumb feels much better and that you reduce your feeling of tingliness.

Doing these exercises will help you combat any symptoms you  may feel from carpal tunnel syndrome. If you are concerned about persisting symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome, talk to our offices immediately. We can help you on your way to feeling much better in no time. You should be able to use your hands and wrists liberally. If they are not working correctly, it’s time to make a change.

If you can completely reduce your risk of problems by helping your body along the path of reducing any wrist problems, you will find that your carpal tunnel problems will greatly go away with the use of time and problems that you may have had will no longer be an issue. If you are not careful with your hand when you have carpal tunnel problems, you may find that you have significant issues that do not help you when you have any sort of problems.

If you are concerned about how best to do this, you will be able to understand why it is important and why you can get rid of carpal tunnel. This is a significant malady that can cause many problems for your wrists if you are not careful. Speak with our professionals today for more information because we can help you combat all the symptoms of carpal tunnel. If you have any questions contact our offices today.

For more tips, Click Here For Finding Relief or call us at 702.410.9800 for more information.

Home Remedies for Carpal Tunnel, Part 3

pianoHome Remedies for Carpal Tunnel — Part 3

Carpal Tunnel syndrome may be caused by repetitive, forceful motions that are done daily and for long periods of time. If you spend a lot of time playing the piano or typing on a computer, you may find that you experience some pain and tingling in your hand. If this happens, you may have carpal tunnel syndrome. Luckily, there are some things you can do to reduce the appearance of your symptoms. Read on to find out more.

Decrease use of vibrating tools

If you are one that uses vibrating tools in your job very significantly,  you will find that your hand may hurt a lot more. If it all possible, try to decrease your use of these tools because it will ensure that you do not have as many problems when it comes to carpal tunnel and anything that may be associated with it.

Watch for symptoms, and take action

If you have any symptoms of carpal tunnel, you will find that the problems get worse if you are not careful. It is very wise to make sure that you do not cause yourself more problems by  creating something that will greatly harm you in the long run. If you are not careful with the problem you may have, you can have anything from bad feelings to bad pain that will never go away.

Use ice

Using ice will actually greatly help the symptoms of carpal tunnel because it will reduce swelling in a narrow carpal tunnel passageway. If you do this, you will find that you have much less problems than you would before you had any problems with carpal tunnel. Talk to our professionals for more.

If you use these tips when  you are trying to combat the symptoms of carpal tunnel, you will find that you have much less problems and that you will not feel any symptoms following your significant amount of training and help on your wrist. If you do this, you will find that you have less and less problems and that you will not have any problems going forward. If you do this,  you will likely see that your carpal tunnel symptoms will greatly decrease, and you will love the results much more.

Carpal tunnel is a difficult condition to live with and may cause a lot of problems if you are not careful in the way that you deal with it. If you have any questions about the best way to deal with this problem, speak with our professionals today for more information! We can help you with everything  you need.

Following these tips will help ensure that you have the best possible results for your carpal tunnel problems. If you are concerned about persevering carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms, talk with our specialist today. We can offer you an endoscopic carpal tunnel release procedure that will greatly relieve your symptoms.

Carpal Tunnel Home Remedies, Part 1

Home remedies for carpal tunnelCarpal Tunnel Home Remedies — Part 1

For most patients, the key to beating carpal tunnel syndrome is prevention. Making changes before this becomes a problem will help it to stay away. If you’re already experiencing some minor tingling, numbness, and burning that is associated with this problem, you may be able to prevent further damage and promote healing by making a few simple changes to your lifestyle.

Our carpal tunnel home remedies will help you keep your hands and wrists healthy, as well has help reduce carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms. However, if your symptoms are sever (like if they interfere with your everyday activities), and they don’t resolve after 2 weeks of self care, contact your doctor immediately.

Check out our carpal tunnel home remedies below:

Stay in shape

You’ll be less likely to suffer from injuries if your body has proper circulation and works well. Help your body out by eating nutritiously, getting adequate sleep and rest, and exercising regularly. It is also important to be sure to avoid smoking, which may inhibit circulation to the rest of your body, including wrists and hands.

Don’t make it worse while you sleep

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome symptoms may often come on while you’re asleep, and will wake you up. Some doctors believe this is because the fluid in the body is redistributed when you lie down, so more of it accumulates in your wrist, causing excess pain. Another contributing factor may be your sleeping position. If you sleep with your wrist bent or tucked under your pillow or head, this can cause compression of the median nerve. When you settle down for the night, allow your wrist or hand to lie flat on your  mattress. You may also want to ask your doctor about a splint to wear while you’re sleeping.

Take some weight off

Excess weight can compress the median nerve in the wrist, so try to keep your weight within five to ten pounds of your ideal weight. Do this by eating smartly and healthily, and getting plenty of exercise each day. If you’re unsure of how to do this, consult a doctor or a registered dietitian.

Take little breaks

Fatigue or tiredness in the joints or muscles is actually a warning sign to change your posture and/or pattern of movement. When your hand, wrist, or fingers feel fatigued or achy, take a break! Shake out your hands, and if possible, get up and walk around or at least stretch out your arms and adjust your position. Even a one- to two-minute break every 20 or thirty minutes helps, as does a longer break of about 10 to 15 minutes every hour or two.

If you believe you have carpal tunnel syndrome, try these at home remedies first. You  may find that your symptoms gradually decrease with time if you do this. However, if your symptoms have persisted and you have severe pain or problems, talk to your doctor today. Our offices offer an endoscopic carpal tunnel release procedure that may help you to stop experiencing symptoms. Talk to our offices contact Reynolds Cosmetics today at 702.410.9800 to schedule your consultation.

Understanding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Las Vegas Carpal TunnelUnderstanding Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

If your job or hobby requires you to spend a lot of time punching cash register keys, gripping strings or holes on a musical instrument, clicking a mouse, or doing any other repetitive, forceful movement with your hands, you may be at risk for a painful condition known as carpal tunnel syndrome. The same appears to be true if you use your hands to control a jackhammer or other powerful, vibrating tool. Finding out about the symptoms and some home remedies for carpal tunnel may be the best way to understand them and take care of them. First, let’s talk about the symptoms.

What are the symptoms of carpal tunnel?

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a collection of symptoms that generally includes episodes of numbness, tingling, or “pins and needles” sensation, aching and burning in the thumb, index and middle fingers, and thumb side of the ring finger. Early on, these symptoms tend to appear in the night, or shortly after a period of repetitive motion, and shaking out the hand may bring relief. As the condition worsens, the discomfort occurs more frequently and becomes more bothersome. In some sever cases, pain may shoot from the wrist up the forearm and maybe even into the shoulder. The numbness in the fingers and thumb may become constant, and the thumb muscles may waste away. This can cause a loss of grip strength and coordination.

Why does this occur?

It is wise to look inside the wrist to understand how this works. The carpal tunnel is a narrow passageway that runs through the wrist. It is only about the size of a postage stamp, but it is crowded with nerves, blood vessels, and nine different tendons (packed in like strands of spaghetti) that control finger movements. Repetitive motions or certain medical conditions can cause these tendons to swell up, which decreases blood flow and compresses the median nerve. This controls movement and sensation in your thumb, middle, and index fingers, as well as one side of the ring finger. This is what causes episodes of numbness, tingling, and burning of the carpel tunnel syndrome. If it is left unchecked, muscle wasting and permanent damage can result.

The most common cause to carpal tunnel syndrome is repetitive, forceful movements of the hand, especially if the wrist or hand is bent in an awkward position, such as in piano playing or typing. This is a difficult condition to endure.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is very common in the United States today, and there are many things that can be done to take care of the symptoms. This week, we will have an ongoing series about how best to take care of these carpal tunnel symptoms. If you have any questions or problems with carpal tunnel, contact our offices. We can help you with our new endoscopic carpal tunnel release procedure, and your wrist will be feeling better in no time. Come back tomorrow for more tips!

Click here to read an article Dr. Reynolds had published in the local LVAC magazine about carpal tunnel syndrome (See page 26).