Author Archives: Meagan Henderson

Do Your Boobs Sag?

Breast Augmentation – Las Vegas Plastic Surgery

Do your boobs sag low? Do they wobble to and fro? If so, then you might be bothered by the changes your are starting to see. Women tend to be overly observant when it comes to their own bodies. We know when something starts to change. The reason for this can partially be because of the type of woman who is always portrayed as beautiful is very thin with nice, tight round breasts. These images of beautiful women are constantly being thrown in our faces via television commercials, magazine ads and billboards. It’s no wonder why your average woman would want to look like that.

With women, a lot of changes with our body occur after starting to have children. After having children, one common effect is that your breasts will start to drop lower than normal. When this happens, it can really start to lower your self esteem. You no longer look the same as you once did when you were younger, and your clothes don’t hug you in all right places like they used to. Las Vegas breast augmentation is one way that we can help you get your body back. We can perform a breast lift that will help bring your breasts back up to where they were in your youthful days. We understand that you shouldn’t have to lose yourself after you have children. We can help you to get back what you have lost. Contact Reynolds Plastic Surgery today at 702-410.9800 to set up a consultation and let’s start you on a path to help get your body back the way you want it to look.

Aging Isn’t Easy

Las Vegas Plastic Surgery – Aging Isn’t Easy


As we get older, parts of our bodies start to sag and wrinkle as gravity and sunlight take its toll on our bodies over the years. Most people would love to keep that youthful appearance as long as they can. They want to make sure that they look and feel their best all the time. Botox injections and fillers are one way that many people use to help keep that youthful look they desire without having any major surgery.  Botox and fillers help to tighten the skin that is around the injection area so that you can keep that younger look longer.  When you start getting older, you start to lose that youthful glow that you once had when you were in your twenties and thirties. It is natural to want to look and feel the way that you did during the prime of your life. Botox and fillers can definitely help your make facial areas appear tighter and wrinkle free and an overall youthful appearance . Botox is a procedure that is occurring a lot more these days to give your face that younger look and feeling.

Las Vegas breast augmentation is also something that you may be interested in if your chest area begins to sag as we grow older or because of other reasons such as child birth. Reynolds Plastic Surgery knows how to get you the results that you so desperately want. Contact us today at 702.410-9800 so that we can put a plan together for you to help you get back that youthful appearance again.

Las Vegas Top Doctors 2015

Uncovering the Truth Behind Common Plastic Surgery Myths [Infographic]

There aren’t many industries out there that are more commonly misunderstood by the masses than plastic surgery. So, we’re sharing an infographic that totally dispels 10 of the most common plastic surgery myths. Hopefully, this helps show you how positive an experience plastic surgery can actually be.

Myth #1 | It costs too much.

With recent technological advances, plastic surgery is now a relatively affordable experience. Depending on the type of procedure you’d like to undergo, you can do so without financing and without breaking the bank.

Myth #2 | Implants will interfere with breastfeeding.

The fact of the matter is, numerous women successfully breastfeed healthy babies after having their breasts augmented. Of course, this is not guaranteed so, if you’re concerned, you’ll want to speak with your doctor and your Las Vegas plastic surgeon just to be safe.

Myth #3 | It’s just for women.

This is perhaps the most widely accepted plastic surgery myth. Men deserve to feel happy and confident with the skin they’re in, just like women. Finally, the numbers are starting to match that belief. In fact, the past decade has witnessed male plastic surgery procedures increase almost 300 percent.

Check out the other seven myths!

Plastic surgery myths infographic*Infographic originally featured on*

With those frustrating myths far from your mind, contact a plastic surgeon in Las Vegas today at 702.410.9800 today to schedule a consultation and get you started on the path toward a happier, more confident you.

cosmetic surgery

How are Cosmetic Surgeons Trained?

How are cosmetic surgeons trained?

Cosmetic surgery on a lady

Before having any form of surgery it is important to know how to find the most qualified person for the job.  How does an interested party find a qualified cosmetic surgeon in Las Vegas? In order to find the most qualified doctor for a specific cosmetic procedure; including breast augmentation, eye lid surgery or cosmetic work, an individual must compare doctors through their overall training, including residency and post-residency training, experience and proven competence with respect to specific cosmetic procedures. It is important to know that residency training while required to become board certified in plastic surgery may not include training with respect to many common cosmetic procedures.

The title “board certified plastic surgeon” may indicate certain training and experience with respect to plastic surgery but it does not indicate the same with respect to cosmetic surgery. Board Certified also does not state that a doctor has more or less cosmetic surgery training than a board certified dermatologist, facial plastic surgeon, general surgeon, gynecologist, oral and maxillofacial surgeon, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist, or other doctor.

Just how are cosmetic surgeons trained? There are currently no residency programs in the United States devoted exclusively to cosmetic surgery. Doctors seeking to learn cosmetic surgery primarily obtain training and experience after completing residency training. It is necessary to know this and to understanding the difference between “cosmetic surgery” and “plastic surgery” as discussed in past blog posts. Residency programs in dermatology, general surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, oral and mazillofacial surgery, ophthalmology, otolaryngology, and plastic surgery do not include training on every cosmetic procedure.

Understanding the Limits to Plastic Surgery

cosmetic surgery on a girlThere is one statement you’re likely to hear from the mouth of nearly every plastic surgeon practicing today: manage your expectations.

Having unrealistic expectations about what’s possible with the help of cosmetic surgery is the first mistake most patients make. The truth is, plastic surgery has its limits.

It’s true: plastic surgery does have the potential to help you feel happier about yourself and your body. However, it should not be viewed as an end all be all cure to your problems.

Plastic surgery cannot…

… Make you more popular.

… Fix your love life.

… Make you a completely new person.

… Land you a new job.

… Solve all your weight problems.

… Make you look 20 years younger with one procedure.

Plastic surgery should be pursued only if you are doing it for yourself. Too many people opt to change their bodies hoping that they’ll be able to impress the world or become a whole different person on the inside.

Plastic surgery can…

… Help you to feel more confident in your own skin.

… Minimize the signs of aging.

Before you consider going under the knife, take a good look at your motivations. Are you doing this because you want that extra boost of confidence and security in your own skin? Or are you pursuing a surgical solution for deep-seated psychological concerns that really can only be healed with time, patience, and determination?

If you feel confident you’re interested for all the right reasons, contact a plastic surgeon in Las Vegas at 702.410.9800 today to schedule a consultation.