Breast Reconstruction
In an effort to help women make “good decisions” about breast reconstruction, information about breast reconstruction has been gathered, analyzed and published in many medical journals. Armed with this information, women will be able to make the best possible decisions once they thoroughly consider their personal preferences.
Decision Analysis
The combination of information and personal preference is being referred to as decision analysis. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the process involves “finding alternatives, obtaining information about the uncertainty of outcomes, and clarifying preferences and values.”
When you think about it, this makes perfect sense. Women who are facing breast reconstruction have so many options to sort through before they can choose the procedure that is best for them. These women have to consider the purpose for the procedure as well as the results they would like to see from it. They need to think about the best time to have the procedure done and what kind of tissues they are going to use.
When these choices come after surviving breast cancer, you can see how making the best decision may be clouded by an anxiety to get back some sense of normalcy in life. Thankfully, that is when sensitivity analysis comes into play.
Sensitivity Analysis
Sensitivity analysis helps a patient weigh out all of her options in a way that respects the different factors that are involved. Things like costs, recovery time, risk and doubt are all taken into consideration during this part of the decision making process.
Many medical professionals believe that this is a critical step in the decision making process that is often overlooked. Women need to be able to make a decision having considered all their options as well as their concerns. The benefits and successes of breast reconstruction and breast augmentation in Las Vegas need to be weighed just as heavily as the risks and assorted uncertainties.
When women are able to made decisions that are well-informed, their overall experience increases. Patient outcomes increase because they are more aware of the reality of the procedure at hand. Their expectations are discussed and risks are considered before a decision is made.
To ensure that you have the best possible experience, schedule a consultation with a professional at Reynolds Plastic Surgery. The plastic surgeons here are dedicated to providing quality care so they will address your concerns as clearly as possible. For more information about breast augmentations in Las Vegas, call 702.410.9800.